Kazakhstan Canada Business Council (KCBC)![]() Creation of a Kazakhstan Canada Business Council (KCBC) became one of the key measures to promote bilateral business ties. Given the fact that the uranium industry occupies the leading position in bilateral cooperation, former CEO of NAC Kazatomprom JSC Askar Zhumagaliyev and CEO of Cameco Corporation Tim Gitzel agreed to become co-chairs in the Business Council (representing the Kazakh side and the Canadian side, respectively) by signing a Minutes of the Meeting, which took place in New York in October 2015. It is worth noting that Mr. Gitzel is a member of the Foreign Investors Council, which operates under the auspices of the President of Kazakhstan. At the same time, in October 2015, the Chamber of International Commerce of Kazakhstan (KazCIC) and Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA) signed an agreement on the establishment of the bilateral Business Council and took on the role of the Secretariat of the KCBC. The main goal of the KCBC is to promote cooperation, trade and investment between companies and organizations of Kazakhstan and Canada. The KCBC is comprised of Canadian and Kazakhstani businesses meeting once in two year (alternating between Kazakhstan and Canada) to address issues pertinent to cooperation and bilateral trade. The council is supported by the government of both countries and forms a platform to promote a stronger and more multi-faceted relationship between Canada and Kazakhstan. KCBC Working Groups
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